Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Revolutionary Twin

It's a little unnerving to read about yourself in a history book.  I would have liked to meet him, but would hate how much he cramped my style.

At 33, Nathanael Greene was an officer in the American army, had been a full-time soldier for only six months, had never served in a campaign, and had never been on a battlefield.  He was a Quaker of "robust physique" though had a slight limp since childhood and mild asthma.

David McCullough says he was "no ordinary man.  He had a quick, inquiring mind and uncommon resolve.  He was extremely hardworking, forthright, good-natured, and a born leader...Washington had judged Nathanael Greene to be 'an object of confidence.'"

He was a "'cheerful, vigorous, thoughtful' young man who, like his father, loved a 'merry jest or tale,' who did comic imitations, and relished the company of young ladies, while they, reportedly, 'never felt lonely where he was.'  Once, accused by a dancing partner of dancing stiffly, because of his bad leg, Nathanael replied, 'Very true, but you see I dance strong.'"

"His defects were perceived to be a certain 'nervous temperament' and susceptibility to poor health, impetuousness, and acute sensitivity to criticism.  Full-grown, he was a burly figure...with the arms and shoulders of a foundryman, and handsome...A broad forehead and a full, 'decided' mouth were considered his best features, though a soldier sent to deliver a message to the general would remember his 'fine blue eyes, which struck me with a considerable degree of awe, the I could scarcely deliver my message.'"

I have fine green eyes, not fine blue eyes.

He believed that anyone could "learn whever was the close study of books."

"Whatever he lacked in knowledge or experience, he tried to make up for with 'watchfulness and industry.'"

So, maybe he's not my twin, but you may recognize more than a few similarities.  Half of me was bummed when I read this: I thought my character was unique.  Oh, well.  The other half of me wanted to meet this guy after I give up my acute sensitivity to criticism and my nervousness.


Melanie said...

Twins? I donno... I think Chad is WAAAAAAAY more handsome than some two hundred year old dead guy.

Tamra and Jim said...

Yes, way more handsome and probably a lot easier for me to understand than someone talking from 200 years ago! :)

Spencer Ellsworth said...

You do indeed dance strong. A manful dance.

(Your word verification, by the way, is "wakamiti" which symbolized the unutterable joy an obscure Pacific tribe feels when two of their members fart in tandem.)