Thanks. This sounds really good--except for the goat cheese part. I'm not sure about that. But I might try it . . .Momma E
All of these were almost as much fun for me to read as for you to write, I'm thinking.
You should go on the road--a singing poet chef--quite the product!
So, what you're saying then is that people in the non-free world shouldn't keep on rockin'? What do you have against them, is what I want to know?
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Good food, good movies, good company. Mmm, the good life.
Thanks. This sounds really good--except for the goat cheese part. I'm not sure about that. But I might try it . . .
Momma E
All of these were almost as much fun for me to read as for you to write, I'm thinking.
You should go on the road--a singing poet chef--quite the product!
So, what you're saying then is that people in the non-free world shouldn't keep on rockin'? What do you have against them, is what I want to know?
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